Before Holly Days, there was the Service League Bazaar. League members made crafts and baked goods to sell as a fundraiser. Then, in the early 1980s, League members decided to transition to a vendor event and Holly Days was born.
Each year, people gather at Holly Days as a kick-off event to the holiday season. With holiday shopping, Santa photos, and our legendary bake sale, the event has been a staple for many over the years. It also serves as Alamance County Service League's largest fundraiser.
As always, our members and alumni look forward to the event. It is one of the only opportunities each year for all members to serve in the same location. Like so many other things in 2020, our Holly Days experience will be different this year.
Our Executive Board has made the difficult decision to cancel this year's Holly Days Bazaar due to the uncertainty surrounding large indoor events but also to ensure the health and safety of our community and members.
While the decision was a difficult one, we know it was the right one. The League is exploring options for an outdoor fall event in Downtown Elon. This event, if approved by the Town and outdoor event restrictions lifted, will be socially-distant and family-friendly. Additionally, we hope to continue lasagna sales, offer a bake sale, provide Santa photos and hold our annual auction online.
Now more than ever, our community's needs are great. As we have for the last 91 years, the Alamance County Service League will continue to provide for those who need it most right here in Alamance County. If you would like to help support the League's efforts, please visit the Support page of our website.
